Other Critter's at Home
I guess I need to put the other
"dog" first. Gretchen really is a dog, not human like me. She
gives Mom fits.... She is supposed to live in our back yard. However, for
some reason she thinks she's not getting enough of the action and escapes from
the back. We have a chain link fence around our half acre back yard and
mom has put up an electric fence around the top of it. She's also gone
around and staked down the bottom of the fence but Gretchen persists in getting
out. She's cunning about it too. Mom has tried to watch her and see
how or where she gets out but ol' Gretch is too smart for that. She never
tries to get
out when anyone is watching. Most times she only comes to the car port at
the front and lies at the door - but sometimes she's still not getting enough
company and trots off down to the local quick serve store or hamburger joint.
Sometimes though she roams the neighborhood or visits the campgrounds at
Noccalula Falls
which is about 2-3 blocks away Mom finally had a tag made up with her name
and phone number on it to attach to Gretchen's collar. We've met more
interesting people than you could imagine going to collect Gretchen.
Now for the Cats

is a neutered tom cat that stays in the house most of
the time. He hasn't decided whether he likes me or not. Mom says
she's had him about 7 years. She rescued him from the side of the road
where it appeared
he'd jumped out from under a car - judging from the grease on him, she said.
He's a "big boy" and weighs about three times what I do. I pretty much
know I'd better leave him alone. He is willing to share Mom's bed with me
at night though, as long as I don't bark a lot and don't get within a foot of
him. I've noticed he's a bit on the lazy side also as you can tell
from his picture. This seems to be his favorite position.
Cassie is a really shy
cat. A lot of people don't even know that Mom has her. She hides in
the bedroom when someone comes in. Mom says she's been that way since she
appeared as a tiny kitten, huddled at the carport door. She doesn't want
me near her but I know she wouldn't hurt me. One bark from me and she runs
skittering down the hallway and sliding on the hardwood floor into the bedroom.
The only cat that has to watch out for her is P C and for some reason
Cassie doesn't like PC and will chase her whenever she can.
Cocoa is
another one of the cats Mom has had a long time. She raised her from a
tiny kitten. Someone left Cocoa outside a friends store before her eyes
were even open. Mom kept her alive by feeding her with an eyedropper until
she was old enough to eat. I haven't seen much of her but I know Mom
worries because Cocoa was her closest buddy for a long time. She couldn't
sit in her chair without Cocoa being in her lap . Cocoa must be afraid of
me. I hope she gets over it... I'll share Mom's lap. You may notice
that Cocoa has no tail. She wasn't born that way. An accident
happened. Lori threw something in the dryer on top of some other clothes
and turned it on to get the wrinkles out. She didn't know Cocoa was
in there and by the time Mom realized what the clunking noise was, Cocoa was
almost dead from a heat stroke and had broken her tail. Mom revived her by
putting her a sink of cool water and giving her a baby aspirin but she had to
have her tail amputated. It doesn't seem to bother her now though.
or Mama Cat is the s mallest
cat in the house. Lori found her abandoned at a local park one night
when it was pouring down rain and brought her home. She has two names
because Lori named her Crackhead (she said because of the line on white hair on
the top of her head that looks like a crack) but Mom didn't like that name.
She started calling her Mama Cat after Mom failed to get her spayed early enough
and she had a litter of kittens. She stays outside a lot and is forever
bringing Mom presents. I'm not sure Mom really appreciates the dead birds,
squirrels, chipmunks, or baby rabbits that Mama Cat brings to the back door.
I think they're kind of neat but Mom won't let me play with them.
is a strange cat. She slinks around and is really nervous. Of course
part of it is because Cassie is always after her, but she panics if I even open
my mouth. I don't know why.... I wouldn't hurt her and she's bigger than
me anyway. She likes to stay on top of things as you can see from the picture.
Mom has her because she'd said she always wanted a calico cat so when one of
Lori's friends cats had a calico kitten, Lori brought it home. I guess the
logic is that there's always room for one more. Good thing too since
I'm the latest that she's added.
Crook here is my buddy.
Maybe it's because she's white too but she's adopted me. She lies in Moms'
lap with me or even in the chair if Mom's busy. She seems to like grooming
me and is forever licking me. I tried to scare her at first but she never
raised a hair when I barked - just laid there looking at me as if to say, "Whatcha
gonna do now big boy?" You could tell I certainly didn't scare her.
I guess if she can teach Gretchen manners and how to act around a cat, she knew
she didn't have to worry about me.
Ringo is
another cat Mom says that lives here part-time. He's a big gray and white tom
cat and hasn't been around when Mom was taking pictures. He must be out
"tom-catting" around. I'm sure we'll get along fine - as long as he stays
out and I stay in.
Update: Mom finally got
a picture. He's kinda rough looking isn't he. Guess he has to be
with all the fighting he does.