Tear Staining
The Cause:
Tear-staining is a common problem with Maltese. In a recent survey, 93% of
Maltese owners had this problem with their dog. Various things can
contribute to tear-staining. Most tearing problems are due to the famous
"Four H's": heredity, health, hygiene and happiness. A seriously stained
face does not indicate a poor-quality , nor poorly bred dog. It is not
proof that the dog is neglected, mistreated or unhealthy. It just means the
dog has more tears and less drainage than he needs for some reason that is
probably somehow related to any one or any combination of very minor
"heredity, health, hygiene, and happiness" concerns.
Heredity: A dog could inherit very small tear ducts or overly watery eyes,
particularly as a response to various products. Definitely inherited are
large eyes and short muzzles, which tend to allow more eye irritation and
less drainage. There can be inherited or developmental structural defects
that result in eye stains.
Health: Simple health concerns are often the major cause of tear-staining.
Some of these are natural and unavoidable such as when puppies cut their
first teeth, and again when they cut their permanent teeth. To make matters
worse, at the same time, puppy hair is growing, just long enough to stick
into their eyes and cause excessive tearing. Maltese of any age with teeth
or gum problems are likely to have extra tear staining. Ear mites and ear
infections, or any health problem - especially those in the head, neck, and
chest areas - may also contribute to tear-staining. Allergies to certain
dyes or ingredients in food could cause excessive tearing.
Hygiene: Hygiene is an obvious factor in tear-staining. Matter in the eye
tends to collect at the inner corner. This works wonderfully to keep eyes
clean of foreign particles. If the dog's eyes are exposed to dust, wind,
grooming products, stray or ingrown hairs and other irritants, there will be
more matter at the corners. This matter becomes an irritant and causes more
tearing and therefore more staining.
Happiness: Happiness may directly or indirectly affect tearing. It seems
very apparent that any miserable, uncomfortable, stressed-out dog is prone
to all kinds of problems, including and leading to excess tearing, less eye
drainage and more staining. When a Maltese is upset or unhappy more tearing
occurs which will rapidly stain the face.
Other: Other causes of tear and other staining in Maltese could be their
diet. Foods with dyes or water with high mineral content can cause
staining. Also the dog could be getting his face or feet in his food which
could cause staining.
Coping with Tear Staining
Since nothing can be done about your puppy's heredity, we must first look to
the causes due to health . Obviously nothing can be don to prevent cutting
teeth. If you suspect your dog might have ear mites, ear or bacterial or
yeast infection or clogged tear ducts, you may need to visit your vet. He
can prescribe medication or procedures to take care of these problems. Many
people recommend Tetracyclin, an antibiotic, for helping with
tear-staining. There is a bad side to this however - it can cause stomach
upsets which will contribute to more staining and will also cause staining
of the teeth. Give it only for a short period if you must use it. If a
food allergy is determined to be the cause, better quality foods, such as
Eukanuba, Innova and Sensible Choice, just to name a few, produce a food for
dogs with food allergies. I also recommend using a stainless steel feeding
dish as it is bacteriostatic and will not breed bacteria as some plastic
dishes can.
After health problems have been considered you must look to hygiene. Always
be certain to dry your dog's ears thoroughly after bathing. Also, any hairs
inside the ears should also be removed. This is something you can do
yourself quite easily, but if you're unsure how to do it, have your vet show
you the procedure. This will help prevent ear infections. Matter should be
gently cleaned from the eyes twice daily with a cotton swab. A dab of eye
ointment (such as Terramycin) or a drop of Visine should be used twice
daily. Do not use excessive amounts as this may contribute to the tearing
problem. Be sure that any eye ointment you use is clear. Hair should be
put up in a top knot as soon as it is long enough. The eyes should then be
examined for any stray or ingrown hairs. Wipe tear-stained hair with warm
water and dry with cornstarch and a tissue. If there are stray hairs around
the eye, a dab of petroleum jelly or Desitin will help keep them out of eyes
and help prevent further staining. This procedure should usually correct
the problem within 10-21 days and is highly preferable to bleaching, which
can cause breakage of the hair on which it is used and also possible skin
irritations or eye damage if extreme care is not taken. One method
,(without bleaching) recommended by a breeder, is mixing concentrated Magic
Touch #1 and hydrogen peroxide (2% or 3% from the pharmacy -- not the beauty
shop variety) equal parts. Only mix enough for a week at a time so the
peroxide doesn't lose it potency. (Mix 1/8 cup Magic Touch with 1/8 cup
peroxide.) Apply it once or twice a day to the stained area with a cotton
ball after combing out the hair. Using the Magic Touch concentrate helps
prevent the hair from drying out too much from the peroxide. And as an
added benefit, it might only take a couple of weeks to clean it up
completely. Magic Touch is a Crown Royale product and the toll-free number
is 1-800-992-5400.
I believe the happiness issue speaks for itself. Do your best to be
constantly reassuring to you dog and avoid situations which may be stressful
when possible. If you are aware of a stressful situation that is
forthcoming (such as the dog's first show), do your best to prepare yourself
and your dog in advance. If you are nervous and upset, this will convey
itself to your dog, making it nervous and upset also. This will lead to
excessive tearing. Be sure your dog is accustomed to doing all that will be
expected of it in the ring.
Avoid feeding your dog any product which contains dyes. Quality dog foods
such as Iams, Eukanuba, Innova and Sensible Choice, to name a few, do not
contain dyes. Also if you give your dog snacks, be certain they contain no
colorings. Since high mineral content in water can also cause staining, I
recommend using purified water. Some owners have had success in teaching
their dog to drink from a water bottle to keep their face dry.
Information compliments of
Angel-Lite Maltese
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